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October 6, 2023 


In unflinching solidarity with The Writers Guild of America, The Screen Actors Guild, and The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, The Short Film Awards Board of Directors hereby announce that The 9th Annual SOFIES Awards Short Film Festival, slated to take place this November, will be postponed to a date TBA in 2024. 


On behalf of our founder CiMa Birch, The SOFIES staff, our board, and partners, we ask for your arm in linkage as we stand united and strong on the right side of history for all artists and creatives, including each of you. 


We, at The SOFIES, are thrilled that the WGA was finally able to resolve the issues that had made it necessary for them to strike. Though WGA members have returned to work, SAG-AFTRA members are still fighting for the fairness and respect they are due.

So, times are still tough for so many of us, but when joined together we are tougher. The WGA win is a demonstrated reminder of this.


Our much anticipated and exciting annual event will still take place in New York City, but not this November. We will release the new date for 2024 very soon. 


Please note the following additional important details:


If you have submitted a short film for SOFIE Award consideration, your entry is still in reviewand under consideration. SOFIE Award nominations will be announced in early 2024. 


As a gesture of appreciation for your solidarity, all 2023 film submitters will also be invited, via a separate email, to take part in a distinct virtual workshop for professional filmmakers. This will come at no additional cost to you. 


Please continue to check your email for updates on the workshop, and of course the festival itself, as we forge ahead with planning. 


Let us all remain hopeful and prayerful that the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers will return to the negotiation table with a reasonable, fair and respectful agreement that allows the artists who are arguably responsible for Hollywood’s success to be compensated and honored with justice. As we all know, the future of our industry depends upon this happening. 


The SOFIES shall continue our work with passion as we honor, promote, and support each of you, the “Giants of Short Film”. The season of the “struggling artist” must end and we ask for your support during this time as a sign of your accordance now and henceforth. 


CiMa Birch 

Founder, The Short Film Awards 



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